  •   Liz
  •   22 Jul 2024
For those who like to cut to the chase, here are the winners from our 2024 OUGS Championship Day at Aylesbury Vale Golf Club.
John Boulton Rosebowl (lowest gross score over 36 holes)
Winner Dave Gibson 158
Runner up Kieron Barnes 172
Newbould Plate  (highest Stableford points over 36 holes)
Winner Liz Moody 72
Runner up Denzil de Souza 69
The Massey Cup  (lowest gross score over 18 holes)
Winner Digory Little 81
Runner up Jim Moffatt 91
Walton Cup (highest Stableford points over 18 holes)
Winner Jill Moffatt 38 
Runner Up Tim Delaney 35
Eagle eyes will notice that no one person wins in more than one category where the trophies are concerned.  Our policy is to spread the winners and as agreed at our AGM, we scrapped any differential categories regarding staff and associate members.
You may not recognise one name, as Kieron only joined us this year and has made an immediate impact.  It has been a great couple of seasons in terms of our ability to attract and welcome new members to the society and my thanks go to my Campus colleagues who have helped with this encouraging staff from across the OU.

We also awarded our usual fun prizes this year for nearest the pin (NTP) and longest drive:

Digory won longest drive at the 9th and NTP-in-2 shots at hole 11
Brian Bamber and Keith Marley won NTP at holes 2 and 17 respectively

The day itself was a splendid success in terms of entry numbers and its organisation, and this is in no small part due to the tireless efforts of Jill who plans, cajoles, liaises and coordinates everything from tee times, to meal times to trophies.  Thanks are due to Andrew Thomas who as “Johnny on the spot” ensured that the club was able to accommodate us which they did with some aplomb.  The course was in great condition - lovely greens and several wide, long, flat fairways that encouraged some to take driver and open the shoulders, but punished those who strayed into the hay and trees at the sides or plonked their ball in a pond.  There was an opportunity to learn from mistakes made in the morning for those who played 36 holes, but then again, even when the brain makes the right decision the body still has to respond….

The food was great, plentiful and the drinks flowed - mainly water - in an attempt to rehydrate in very warm conditions.  I joined a big field of 21 playing 36 holes and my feet are throbbing in sympathy as I write after playing in the morning and early afternoon in bright sunshine, and then in just as warm sultry conditions in late afternoon and early evening.  There were a few tired souls at dinner but a good time was had by all.  The clubhouse staff were efficient and friendly in serving us all day and some twelve plus hours after arriving we hobbled off home vowing to rest up over the weekend where we could.  With such a great entry, (28 in total) it could have been a very different picture but thanks to all in the field, we kept play moving, we were sensible with the sun, we topped up on water and we teed off on time.  This meant we all made it back more or less in shape, and didn’t have a very prolonged wait once in the club house.  Dave Gibson did his stuff with a spreadsheet to compile our results efficiently, which is easier said than done.   I hasten to add that results were checked and despite his showing and our committee’s representation on the winners’ podium, the results are accurate, honest! I am personally looking forward to the handicap changes that should ensure I am not seen near a trophy again :)

Our next outing is playing for the Jessica Magill Memorial trophy at Woburn GC (The Dukes) on 16th August. We warm up on the range, play 18 holes as stableford and then have dinner.  Details will follow for this event which is always popular.  Please respond as soon as you know you want to come along. It is unlikely that we will have space for guests on this day so please look out for details if you want to come. 
Liz Moody, OUGS Chair