Our next event - Championship Day - is upon us! This year we’re going to Aylesbury Vale GC which I understand will not be too arduous for those hardy souls who will play 36 holes.
As we have some new members I’ll explain below what the day will comprise -
There are 5 trophies to compete for - 2 of them over 36 holes and 3 over 18 holes.
The most prestigious trophy is the John Boulton Rosebowl - 36 holes off Scratch.
There is then a nett 36 hole trophy - the Newbould PlateWe have an 18 hole Stableford trophy - The Associate Cup.
We have an 18 hole Stableford trophy - The Massey Cup
We have a new 18 hole Stableford trophy - The Walton Cup (to replace the Ladies Trophy).
NB - there are different categories of eligibility for the various trophies, e.g.The Rosebowl (current and former staff but is also open to staff who are not OUGS members), The Newbould Plate (most of us!), The Associate Cup (Associates only), etc etc. All will be made clear.
Championship Day is played in ‘peer groups’.
We very much hope that as many of you as possible will be up for 36 holes. If you only want to play 18 holes there are plenty of trophies to compete for, and of course a beautiful engraved glass to match each trophy. If you only want to play 18 holes can I please ask you to play the afternoon round and stay for the presentation dinner. It is our most important day and an opportunity for as many of as possible to get together. You can of course include lunch before you play. It is traditional for us to change for dinner - no jackets/ties necessary, just smart casual.
Further information on cost will follow shortly but I can advise that the day will be good value.
The day will comprise bacon rolls/coffee, 18 holes golf, light lunch of sandwiches and chips, 18 holes golf, followed by 2 course dinner of roast chicken/roast potatoes/seasonal veg, plus summer pudding dessert.
So in the first instance would you please let me know if you would like to attend, and whether you plan to do 18 or 36 holes.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Your Secretary Bird